News / Events

We couldn’t even imagine the great success the contest was! Photo contest is making you so active and enthusiastic so that we passionately invite you to visit the participants photo gallery at our Facebook page in order to choose the photo you like most clicking “I LIKE”!
The deadline was fixed on July 15th 2013 but we decided to extend it until July 20th 2013.
Thanks to this Photo Contest we have reached more than 10.000 people per week through our Facebook page. Almost 6000 people visited our contest photo album, thus collecting more than 1.200 votes. We really like sharing all this project and approval with you because you alone are the protagonists of this great success. You helped us with great enthusiasm, passion and love for your job representing CTA all over the country.
Thank you so much and keep on following us….we are thinking about some other events you can be part of once again!