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World war II after-war reconstruction phase suffered from a deep gap between textile and clothing products’ demand and offer. Specifically, we saw a strong overproduction and, at the same time,  a loss in productive capacity in several wealthy countries in favor of consumer countries.

Among the protagonists we can mention France and Italy. This is the time when they have just started to show a new market penetration strategy able to last until current days.

Italy is the heart of creativity and technology in this  clothing and textile field.  All this is  explained by its great success achieved in a context where raw materials ran low and working and energy costs,too, are the highest in the world.

Our country isn’t, indeed, as competitive as other countries in the world if we keep in mind Italian economic situation. However, Italian production has an inner distinction and charm which make it so popular and appreciated despite this global economic limit.

Creativity is the result of our history; it was born thanks to this “Renaissance effect”, that is to say, the influence this historic phase had onto our present thanks to a strong persistence of culture, craftsman’s’ skills, esthetic taste and generally speaking to a rich and extended heritage this wonderful historic age has given us.

Technology is another successful factor and its persistent development was determined by the proximity to the most important mechanical industries producing textile machineries, electronic devices and appliances connected with them.

Obviously our craftsmen’s competence was very skillful because it conjugates these two added values, things other countries lacked.