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The etymology of the word “Art” has ancient origins, it derives from the Sanskrit root –ar meaning “ go towards”, “ make”, “ adjust”. Art, in its Latin sense, ars, artis acquires a more productive meaning thus it becomes the expression of new forms/shapes’ harmony.
Therefore, Art becomes the fil rouge that goes with humankind’s developments and evolutions, their habits and their history.
As scientific development has developed during the centuries, visual arts have created several new professional roles: painters, stylists, architects and designers.
The leading modern contemporary Italian artistic talents and their works are the inspiration for Urban Collection’s fabrics: we are talking about CTA next collection.
Each article is named after the personal artistic genius of men and women who created new artistic languages and forms of expressions. Dresses, buildings, paintings and design complements are the representation of artistic development within world’s evolution. The way world has changes is represented in artistic works, together with the artist world conception or ideas.
Urban represents one of several CTA challenges: to donate a textile form to urban artistic creativity we admire in our contemporary metropolis.
Stretching from Alberto Burri’s painting and expressive sculptures to minimalist, refined, exotic dresses of Irish stylist Simone Rocha.
This and a lot more are the news of Urban Collection weaves, please stay tuned to know every detail about this amazing new collection by CTA. It will be soon available in stores!