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Textile industry represents one of the most representative sectors of Italian economy but in the last decades it has had a remarkable reshaping due to both the global economic crisis and the increasing competition coming from emergent Asian economies which have partially crowded out Italian manufacturers.
However, 2014 Italian textile industry saw a positive development relating to turnovers and also some favorable dynamics regarding business to business section on both a national and international dimension while final consumer are taken into a lesser consideration.
This is the first main fact emerged from the survey carried out by SMI (Sistema Moda Italia, Fashion and Textile Industry Association). The most positive trend belongs to textile Industry with a final score of +8,8%.
Speaking about export, according to the data spread by WTO (world trade Organization), there are comforting signs regarding EU and extra-EU total orders, in constant increase on average from 5,9% and 3%.
Speaking about EU market, France is the first Italian fashion-textile companies partner . Germany, on a second position is more and more dynamic thus revealing a +4,5%. A great increase is also registered in the export towards UK (+9,6) and Spain (+4,1%).
Sales towards United States conclude their final balance with a discrete +6,2%. Hong Kong and China experience some increases of about +11,4 % and 10,7% thus confirming themselves as extremely favorable markets for the “Made in Italy”.
On the other hand, we register some negative variations towards Russia and Japan. So, the trend that has characterized Italian fashion-textile sector’s commerce even in a so complex uncertain and fragile context seems to profile some positive results for the upcoming year.