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PHOTOCONTEST – A shopping window for you!!
We want our clients to dedicate a new photocontest!
A good opportunity to show and promote your own creations.
Here are the details in case you want to join the contest:
-Do you want to participate in the CTA site’s Contract section ? You’re in time until March 10th to join the contest! The rules are very simple:
1.First of all push “I like” button on our CTA webpage on Facebook
2.Send us a picture of a CTA set-up setting where we can find articles from CTA Contract Field. Send your email to centrotendaggiarredamento@gmail.comwithin March 10th 2014.
Once the photo album with all the pictures and your name is published on our facebook page, you can start to vote
Share your photos on your profiles and invite your friends to vote for you on our page.
The 3 most voted pictures , the ones that will get more “I LIKEs” within March 10th 2014, that is to say, photocontest’s deadlines, will get a prize!
The top prize for this contest is your picture and all your personal and professional details on our CTA website!
*The Contract articles that are eligible for the contest are listed in the Regulation. Pictures can illustrate private or public settings (building, hotels, restaurants, bars, institutions and so on).
- Click “I Like” on our Facebook
- Send us a picture of a setting, set up with one of the following CTA Contract field’s articles:
Notte Article
Klat Article
Glove Article
Venus Article
Montale Article
Giolitti Article
Mykonos Article
Luxury Collection
Todi Collection
Arc en ciel book rouge Collection
Progetto 1 Collection
Progetto 2 Collection
Within March 10th 2014 to specifying name, surname, Facebook name and addresses in case you win.
The picture has to be taken by the participant himself. In case this picture shows other people, its author has to make sure he has an authorization for image’s public circulation. CTA reserves the right to eliminate the pictures for which may come some complaints from about third person’ s privacy violation.
Each author can send at most 1 picture
The setting depicted has to be, compulsorily, a picture of a setting set up for their own clients with the above listed fabrics. Pictures can be about private or public settings (building, hotels, restaurants, bars, institutions and so on).
Pictures have to be sent with their original file (not taken from the Internet)
You can send your picture with a sentence/description attached so that it can be used as a tagline.
Whatever kind of picture we consider offensive or/ and gross will be excluded from the photocontest.
The 3 most voted pictures , the ones that will get the highest number of “I LIKEs” within the end of the photocontest, that is to say, March 31st 2014 , will win!
PRIZE: 3 most voted pictures publication with all professional details about your business on CTA website Contract field section,
How we communicate the photocontest’s winner: we will publish on our CTA fan page(website) or on our newsletter , the winner’s pictures.
Joining the contest, each author accepts this Regulation and takes on every kind of responsibility about the presented photo’s use legitimacy thus releasing CTA from all responsibilities and whatever control function it may assume.
This is to inform you that in compliance with what is deliberated in the art. 10 (Law 675/96) on personal privacy and consent to the use of personal information and further modification with the Law June 30th2003 n.196, personal information provided by competitors participating in the contest, collected and used with computer tools, will be used for identifying winners and pictures’ authors and for communicative purposes concerning information about the contest itself. The competitor has the right to access all the data concerning himself and exercise the right of integration, adjustment, cancellation etc…granted by the art.13 of the above mentioned Law toward the holder of this data use.
The data provision and the relative consent to the use of these personal information are necessary conditions to the contest itself.