News / Events

The Salone Internazionale del Mobile, opened its doors yesterday and will last until April 13th 2014.
300.000 visitors are expected and since the exhibition will be open to the public on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th this number will increase, definitely.
A ‘trends, innovations, ideas oriented week’ full of successful inputs redefining next month’s furnishing world.
Since the Halls of this important Furniture Show are animated by 2.400 exhibitors, Milan as an important metropolis offers itself to its numerous visitors with special events, free entrances to every kind of museums and installations.
Collateral to the Salone del Mobile ,is another important furniture show taking place in this period, that is to say, the Fuorisalone. 774 events spread out on 9 itineraries.
We want you to recommend, among the other, The art of Living Exhibition in which 10 local sceneries watch the world of furniture converse with specifically designed installations. They are created by 5 Italian artists: Nicola Gobbetto, Paolo Gonzato, Marco Andrea Magni, AliceRonchi, Francesco Simeti. The exhibition will be displayed at Triennale di Milano until April 27th.
We want you to remember that some of our articles will be exhibited at the International Salone del Mobile. Moreover, if you are interested in commercial appointments we are glad to welcome you in our commercial offices in Milan.