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This is the most romantic week of the entire year. Whether you share this idea or not, you celebrate this day or you leave it unnoticed, St.Valentine’s day give us a spark indeed to talk about a color that represents passion par excellence; in our house, too.
Red is a strong and determined color that creates a striking effect. Particularly suitable for our living rooms it can match easily with neutral shades such as white, ivory and dark grey.
Moreover if we match it with white, it softens its brilliance and with some grey tones creates a very refined and modern setting; with brown shades and natural wood makes the settings cozier.
Red has a wide range’s variants from carmine to vermilion, crimson or purple. Each color expresses its own energy and warmth.
According to chromotherapy, red has the power of increasing blood pressure , respiratory rate and stimulating hunger . In order to wish prosperity to the people who is living in their houses , Feng Shui suggests to paint your doorway in red.
Due to its brightness and warmth, red is perfect for north exposed settings. Not a very good choice for small settings given that this kind of shade tends to narrow spaces or settings.
If you like red but you don’t want to dare painting entire walls or furnishing your house with red furniture you can play with some furnishing accessories. Red Window curtains and pillows are perfect for brightening up your rooms. Rugs are a good choice, too, when it comes to recalling elements in this tone. Fabrics texture is very important, too. Depending on it, the impact changes.
If you want to experiment this color’s chromatic performance in your house, the best time to be seduced by total rouge style is Valentine’s Day ,without a doubt!