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“Let’s have lunch! Art has to be converted into food to be offered in a public dining hall”.

This is the main topic of Miniartextil 25th edition, the international contemporary  textile art exhibition taking place in few days, that’s to say from May 9th to June 21st  2015 at Ex Chiesa di San Francesco (Como), Villa Bernasconi (Cernobbio) and Auditorium Testori’s foyer (Milano).

The exhibition has been organized by  Arte&Arte cultural organization and it proposes the best international artistic production in the Textile Art or Fiber Art field, that branch of contemporary art that retraces old basic technical principles thus revolutionizing  schemes and materials.

The project is aimed at promoting and fostering Italian tourism thus sponsoring some historical-architectural works of art to be commended with contemporary art installations; also the organization gives the opportunity of discovering Como Lake onboard a private boat.

In order to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Miniartextil, 25 are the countries proposing  54 mini textiles (small format works  20x20x20 cm), plus, over  70 international artists and 7.000 expected visitors  will attend in this huge and attractive event organized in conjunction with the  extraordinary EXPO 2015 exhibition.