News / Events

Past years
represented a period of great innovation for CTA. The great manufacturing development
projected the company into a larger dimension of wider international markets. All this intensified CTA network with sales
agents and sellers/dealers and extended the articles range always caring for
good quality. All the production was
made and keeps on developing in the traditional style the founder Pietro Marzo
taught to his later generations.
It was all
about a natural developmental process, result
of new competences introduced in the company thanks to the contribution of the
latest Marzo’s family generation: they worked hard to improve the already
strong values and the constant research in innovation Ettore Marzo, manager of
the company over 15 years, developed.
In 2013 CTA
opened a commercial branch in Milan, strategic intersection for successful
national and/or international commercial relationships.
Today, due
to the strengthening of the marketing area and creative department, the
improvement of textiles range for light upholstery or decoration and the
introduction of new materials, the Company concludes its brand reinforcement process on a national
scale through a logo restyling.
innovation that synthesizes the entire company history representing the long
work tradition in trends’ research dominating fashion, design, art all over the
world thus enriching the numerous collections with new furnishing tips and
lines, more balanced curves, more regular thickness make the three letters’ shape
symbolizing the business name ,more compact, synthesizing it in a more polished
geometric oval, a more transparent one.
What is new
is the innovative chromatic choice based on Black letters on a white base thus
substituting the original bottle-green
color. This new choice donates a newer more elegant and extremely simple
style to CTA brand’s image in a perfect
mix with the multifaceted design and the several color shades.
What is
brand new is the pay-off “Italian Textile” expressing the bond between the company
core business (fabrics and window treatments curtains) and the high quality
standards and materials’ guarantee, a distinguishing feature of Italian
manufacturing tradition and know-how. Operating side by side with selected
manufacturers whose strength resides in the “made in Italy” mission, CTA has
chosen to make this mission its main
worth principle. That’s way CTA
continually gets recognitions and praises on the market. CTA selects its
materials and stocks mainly from Italian manufacturing companies believing in local staff competences and skills with an exclusively
Italian know how assimilated during years’ experience and manufacturing
tradition. So, CTA proves to be a very attentive reality towards traditions
keeping in mind that innovation can always be a precious opportunity for the
company to become more and more important and to satisfy every kind of clients’
needs because they are the only privileged addressees for every action CTA
carries out.