News / Events

Numbers and figures from the latest fairs are an important proof.
It’s not too long that an important fair, PROPOSTE, closed its doors. It was an event dedicated to textile field’s professionals and as we wanted to review this situation we can surely state that the numbers are extremely positive.
PROPOSTE 2014 welcomed 6593 visitors of which 2364 were Italian and 4229 from foreign countries . The share of foreign presences is, then, of 64,15%.
Compared to 2013, visitors’ number increased of 7,19% (Italians +2,65 % and +9,9% foreigners).
These data are to confirm the positive results we got last month thanks to the most important event in interior design field, that is to say, the International Salone del Mobile (International Furniture Exhibition). 2014 edition registered, then, an increase of 20% among visitors and incomes compared to its last edition, thus clearly underlining the sharp upswing that is involving this area.
There are different reasons why all this happened: first of all there is a growing and increasing attention to foreign markets. Textile manufacturers are willing to explore new markets aimed at searching for new clients in such an ever-growing area. As a consequence, exportations increases, too.
Great attention is given to technological innovation and research. The goal: reducing costs, bringing back Italian production to the top.
A substantial case is that of digital technologies which are changing fabrics’ print industry.
In Como area we went from a digital printing rate of 2% in 2003 to a 58% in 2013 with a resulting remarkable water and energy economy and with a production costs reduction.
Positive data seem to build a bridge towards Expo 2015.
In this view , in order to comply with the numerous requests and needs as soon as we can, we really wanted, us, too, to enlarge our presence throughout the country by opening a new commercial office in Milan.
Our offices are in Milan in Piazza Risorgimento, 10. Tel: 02-87367447 / Fax:02-70100309 ( We receive our clients by appointment).